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K&N Traffic Services Pty Ltd

For K&N Traffic services, helping people gain new skills and knowledge isn’t only a commitment, but also a passion. With our wide variety of courses and dedicated team of trainers, we make learning easy, affordable and fun. Check out our site to learn about what we have to offer.


Course Description: Traffic Controller


This course meets the industry requirements for those aiming to work in a supervisory role applying traffic control plans and setting up and programming portable traffic control devices in a work zone. 

The skills required to control traffic with a stop-slow bat are not included in this course.

Candidates will be required to complete a logbook in the workplace, and undertake worksite assessment within 90 days of completion of the course. Coates Training Services will schedule regular live site assessment events for this purpose.

What will be covered

  • Legislative and regulatory requirements when undertaking traffic control related work

  • Apply policies and procedures, including documentation, relating to traffic management

  • Risk analysis and hazard mitigation strategies

  • Emergency procedures, site and safety equipment

  • Technical capabilities and programming of portable traffic control equipment

  • Participate in toolbox talks specific to traffic control

  • Use communication methods and devices

  • Provide traffic guidance scheme implementation instructions to traffic control personnel

  • Monitor and apply adjustments to traffic guidance scheme as necessary to maintain traffic flow and safety of personnel

  • Maintain traffic incident reports and a daily diary

  • Assess and respond to changes in the environment, such as traffic volumes, weather conditions, road conditiions, WHS and operation requirements

  • Conduct housekeeping activities, close down work zone and complete reporting


A Statement of Attainment for the following units of competency:

  • RIICOM201E Communicate in the workplace

  • RIIRIS301E Apply risk management process

  • RIIWHS201E Work safely and follow WHS policies and work procedures

  • RIIWHS302E Implement traffic management plan

  • RIIWHS303 Position, set-up and program portable traffic control devices

Upon successful completion a Traffic Control Work Training Card will be issued by SafeWork NSW.

Entry Requirements

  • Candidates will be required to complete a logbook in the workplace, and undertake worksite assessment within 90 days of completion of the course. Coates Training Services will schedule regular live site assessment events for this purpose.

  • Candidates will also be required to request a workplace supervisor complete an observation testimonial document attesting to workplace skills. Where this testimonial is not available, candidates will be required to undertake two live site assessments.

  • Participants must be at least 17 years of age and provide 100 points of identification.

  • Given the requirement for underlying knowledge, particularly in regards to safety, Coates Training Services strongly recommends candidates hold CPCCWHS1001 Work Safely in teh Construction Industry, or equivalent.

    This course is conducted in English requiring oral and written reesponses to assessment tasks. The ability to read and correctly interpert complex signage, speak clearly and unambiguously in English, and to explain, describe and verify sometimes complex needs and issues is required to successfully complete this course. Basic mathematic skills are required, including simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Writing is required to the level of completing workplace reports, including risk management matrices.

Course Description: Implement Traffic Control Plans

This course meets the industry requirements for those aiming to work in a supervisory role applying traffic control plans and setting up and programming portable traffic control devices in a work zone. 

The skills required to control traffic with a stop-slow bat are not included in this course.

Candidates will be required to complete a logbook in the workplace, and undertake worksite assessment within 90 days of completion of the course. Coates Training Services will schedule regular live site assessment events for this purpose.

What will be covered

  • Legislative and regulatory requirements when undertaking traffic control related work

  • Apply policies and procedures, including documentation, relating to traffic management

  • Risk analysis and hazard mitigation strategies

  • Emergency procedures, site and safety equipment

  • Technical capabilities and programming of portable traffic control equipment

  • Participate in toolbox talks specific to traffic control

  • Use communication methods and devices

  • Provide traffic guidance scheme implementation instructions to traffic control personnel

  • Monitor and apply adjustments to traffic guidance scheme as necessary to maintain traffic flow and safety of personnel

  • Maintain traffic incident reports and a daily diary

  • Assess and respond to changes in the environment, such as traffic volumes, weather conditions, road conditiions, WHS and operation requirements

  • Conduct housekeeping activities, close down work zone and complete reporting


A Statement of Attainment for the following units of competency:

  • RIICOM201E Communicate in the workplace

  • RIIRIS301E Apply risk management process

  • RIIWHS201E Work safely and follow WHS policies and work procedures

  • RIIWHS302E Implement traffic management plan

  • RIIWHS303 Position, set-up and program portable traffic control devices

Upon successful completion a Traffic Control Work Training Card will be issued by SafeWork NSW.

Entry Requirements

  • Candidates will be required to complete a logbook in the workplace, and undertake worksite assessment within 90 days of completion of the course. Coates Training Services will schedule regular live site assessment events for this purpose.

  • Candidates will also be required to request a workplace supervisor complete an observation testimonial document attesting to workplace skills. Where this testimonial is not available, candidates will be required to undertake two live site assessments.

  • Participants must be at least 17 years of age and provide 100 points of identification.

  • Given the requirement for underlying knowledge, particularly in regards to safety, Coates Training Services strongly recommends candidates hold CPCCWHS1001 Work Safely in teh Construction Industry, or equivalent.

    This course is conducted in English requiring oral and written reesponses to assessment tasks. The ability to read and correctly interpert complex signage, speak clearly and unambiguously in English, and to explain, describe and verify sometimes complex needs and issues is required to successfully complete this course. Basic mathematic skills are required, including simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Writing is required to the level of completing workplace reports, including risk management matrices.

Course Description  Prepare Work zone Traffic Management Plan


This course provides the skills and knowledge required for individuals responsible for developing traffic management plans and traffic guidance schemes to perform a preliminary risk assessment of a temporary traffic management site and select, modify and design traffic management plans and traffic guidance schemes.

This course does not qualify a participant to control traffic with a stop/slow bat, or boom gate, or set up work with traffic control plans.

This program is suited to experienced traffic control/management operators.

To obtain a SafeWork NSW Traffic Control Work Training (TCWT) card, training and assessment must be carried out by a SafeWork NSW approved training provider.

Learning outcomes

  • Prepare a work zone traffic management plan (TMP)

  • Collect all required information about a given roadwork project to enable the preparation of a TGS/TMP

  • Design a TGS/TMP, based on risk assessment, statutory and regulatory requirements, standards, road authority requirements and project brief

  • Select and modify a TGS/TMP based on risk assessment, statutory and regulatory requirements, standards, road authority requirements and project brief

  • Draw up a TGS/TMP to recognise other graphical representations such as pedestrian movement plans, vehicle movement plans, and notification of authorities

  • Determine the recommended spacing between signs and traffic control devices in line with standards; measure width of trafficable surface; calculate edge clearances to barriers, cones and clearance to work personnel

  • Incorporate environmental management plans

  • Conduct an onsite check and inspection of the plan and to identify any unexpected hazards/risks

  • Identify approvals required; identify approval agencies, types of approvals for roadway access, railway reserve access, authority to install signs on roads, variation to standards

  • Understand speed, environment, type and class of vehicles, traffic density, sight lines, environmental condition, weather patterns and surface type

  • Monitor and interpret control systems to apply to the drawing, selection and design.

  • Use approved methods and follow recognised local legislation

  • Use the site/location assessment, distinguish topographical landmarks and carry out authorised risk control

  • Collate traffic volume data, type and class of vehicles

  • Determine lane capacity, road network performance and lane closure restrictions

  • Identify impacts from any concurrent or adjacent works

  • Identify times and dates of any planned public events that may result in increased or redistributed traffic patterns

  • Identify affected stakeholders and type of notification required and prepare notifications

  • Calculate costings for TMP development and implementation

Units of competency

  • RIIRIS402E Carry out the risk management process

  • RIICWD503E Prepare traffic management plans and traffic guidance schemes

Course pre-requisites

There are no training package pre-requisites for these units of competency.

It is recommended that It is recommended that you have experience in traffic control and in implementing traffic control plans.


Training will include:

  • classroom activities

  • theory questionnaires and group activities.

  • use of regulatory and statutory manuals and documents

  • project management that includes case studies and document preparation

  • use of TMP/TGS development software

Assessment requirements

Assessments are to be completed as per the RII Resources and Infrastructure training package requirements, whereby all units of competency must be assessed by qualified assessors (in the context of traffic control at worksites)

Assessments will include:

  • theory questionnaires and activities

  • practical activities and observation (by a SafeWork NSW approved RTO)

  • development of TGS/TMPs

  • development of 2 (two) Traffic Management Plan projects

  • provision of workplace samples and documentation

Traffic controller Course


Implement Course


Tc / Implement Combo


Prepare Work Zone TMP


To book one of our courses, simply head over to our bookings page.


(02) 46020202


Address 1/20 Bluett Drive, Smeaton Grange NSW 2570

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